14.30 – 15.00 Registration & Welcome coffee
15.00 – 18.30 Motor insurance in a changing environment
- Intro from the chair:
Sergiu COSTACHE, President, XPRIMM - Insurance & Pensions
Daniela GHETU, Editorial Director, XPRIMM Publications
- The new MTPL Law – challenges and benefits
Keynote Speaker - Mihai NEACSU, Managing Partner, NEACSU & Asociatii, Romania
- Panel of discussion - The new MTPL Law – challenges and benefits
- Iulius Marian FIRCZAK, Deputy, Chamber of Deputies, Committee for Budget, Finance and Banks, Romania
- Claudiu SOFRON, Motor Insurance Specialist, UNSAR
- Dorel DUTA, President, UNSICAR, Romania
- Mihai NEACSU, Managing Partner, NEACSU & Asociatii, Romania
- Motor insurance beyond “mandatory” – solution to protect car owners for losses to their cars caused by other risks than road accidents
- Menekşe UÇAROĞLU, CEO, IUC Group, Türkiye
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- Menekşe UÇAROĞLU, CEO, IUC Group, Türkiye
- Digital solutions to improve customers' journey
- Nicolae GANEA, Administrator, ASISOFT, Romania
- Nicolae GANEA, Administrator, ASISOFT, Romania
- From interrogation to one-step-shop
- Wojciech RABIEJ, Managing Director - Retail Customer Solutions, UNIQA Poland
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- Wojciech RABIEJ, Managing Director - Retail Customer Solutions, UNIQA Poland
- Panel of discussion: New trends in motor insurance
- Daniela BADALUTA, President & Founder, RECREX, Romania
- Maria BOGHIAN, President, ANSDAR, Romania
- George NEDELEA, Motor Claims Deputy Director, ASIROM VIG, Romania
- Ion MOISE, CEO, eClaims Assistance, Romania
- Marius ION, Executive Director, DAUNE Expert, Romania
- Cristian FILIMON, Director of Insurance Division, Life is Hard, Romania
FIAR 2024 - 25th Edition
- Language:
- Location: Hotel Sheraton, Bucharest, Romania
- Organizer: XPRIMM
- Start date: 26-05-2024
XPRIMM is a media brand, incorporating several companies specialized in providing media products to the global re/insurance industry. Our activity is focused on Central and Southeastern European regions, as well as CIS region states.
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